Xiaomi Aqara cube integration
Huh. I said 3 action button was too complicated for HA automation. No.
This is. But not as much as connecting it to Zigbee2MQTT. After an hour it finally worked so let's implement something.
This example is driving 3 light sources and occupy 2 sides per source (to get things easier I made them to be opposite of each other).
As I don't care about desk light no additional temperature / color will be maintained there (so still one unused side for me) but I would like to have this light in sync with my screens in office. To achieve this I need to set up multiple output function node.
Process of handling multiple outputs is simple enough. Instead of returning value simple return array of those.
if (msg.data.sync){
if (msg.data.light.state == "off")
var msg1 = msg;
if (msg.data.light.state == "on")
var msg2 = msg;
return [msg1,msg2];
Return values will be accessible with order from top to bottom.
Side guide references to which side is facing up. Also sample of 'sideless' actions ( shake and fall ) but this is still in work
I have no use of temperature sensor right now.
Code for importing. I hope that only colored groups needs editing
"name":"Define entities",
"name":"Gather cube facts",
"name":"Differentiate by action",
"name":"Add additional data",
"name":"State and brightness",
"name":"Change HSV or Color",
"name":"Side Guide",
"name":"Side Agnostic",
"name":"Sync state",
"name":"What Side",
"name":"Add Attribute Data",
"func":"if (msg.data.light.state == \"on\"){\n if (msg.data.light.attributes.color_mode == \"color_temp\") {\n msg.data.attribute = \"kelvin\"\n msg.data.attributeData = msg.payload == \"rotate_right\" ? msg.data.light.attributes.color_temp_kelvin - 500 : msg.data.light.attributes.color_temp_kelvin + 500;\n }\n if (msg.data.light.attributes.color_mode == \"hs\") {\n msg.data.attribute = \"hs_color\"\n if (msg.payload == \"rotate_right\") {\n var var_h = (msg.data.light.attributes.hs_color[0] + 10) % 360;\n }\n if (msg.payload == \"rotate_left\") {\n var var_h = (360 + (msg.data.light.attributes.hs_color[0] - 10)) % 360;\n }\n \n \n var var_s = 100;\n msg.data.attributeData = [var_h,var_s]; \n }\n return msg;\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"name":"Add function Data",
"func":"if (msg.data.light.state == \"on\") {\n if (msg.data.light.attributes.color_mode == \"hs\") {\n msg.data.attribute = \"kelvin\"\n msg.data.attributeData = msg.data.light.attributes.min_color_temp_kelvin;\n }\n if (msg.data.light.attributes.color_mode == \"color_temp\") {\n msg.data.attribute = \"hs_color\"\n var var_h = msg.data.light.attributes.hs_color[0]; \n var var_s = 100;\n msg.data.attributeData = [var_h, var_s];\n }\n return msg;\n}\n\n",
"name":"Sync state",
"func":"\nif (msg.data.sync){\n if (msg.data.light.state == \"off\")\n var msg1 = msg;\n if (msg.data.light.state == \"on\")\n var msg2 = msg;\n return [msg1,msg2];\n}\n\n",
"name":"Home Assistant",